Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Our little guy.....

He is a little wiggle worm....we couldn't get him to hold still long enough to get a perfect view....we will try again on December 10th.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Excuse our Absence..........It's a BOY!~

The ultrasound tech wouldn't tell us until the end what he was; she said she has had too many fathers leave the room as soon as they find out what the baby is. Obviously, she doesn't know Travis.
But our little guy is 7 ozs. and right on target for due date of March 4, 2011.
We go back in November for 3-D ultrasound.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Fishing Trip

Story of the Goldfish

A birthday present of Goldfish? Crackers ....Yummy! but that wasn't the ORIGINAL idea. Candace, Mariel, Ashley and Melissa went to Wal-Mart and asked for all of the DEAD goldfish from the tank....(ewwww gross). They planned on giving those to Alex for his birthday but after they brought them home and kinda shook the bag around.......well you can imagine. What great sisters and cousins Alex has!

Alexander's 15th Birthday

No, it didn't take him that long to blow out the candles......Ashley bought "trick" candles for him!

Dinosaur Rodeo